Your Story
We believe that God is telling a unique story through every person’s life.
The Calling Map delves into the history of a person to find the fingerprint of God and therefore to discern what He might be doing special in the life of that person.
Understanding Calling
Our calling is one of the more significant factors in ministry. Once we discover our calling our whole life fills with majesty. More than merely gifts and “passions” (as in teaching, singing, etc.) our calling is a fingerprint of how the Lord has created and wired us, as well as how He has overseen the very details of our lives bringing redemption into every moment – even tragedies and losses.
Calling re-stories our past and fills it with meaning and hope for the future. Calling is also fuel for our current assignments and empowers future decisions. Leaders must do this work of uncovering their calling, sharing it with those they lead and then do the same work for others to discover how the Lord is putting together the local body.
Utilizing the Calling Map
When the Calling Map is utilized it can release hope, determine future when the future appears to be lost or destroyed, and become a weapon for spiritual battle. For the Calling Map to have this power the leader must invest focused time praying and listening to the Spirit about this story, the implications of the story God is telling in their life and “asking the second and third questions.”